Technology and Innovation
Welcome to the Komarek School District 94 Technology Department Page!
Komarek School District 94 houses state-of-the-art technology resources for both staff and students. Current initiatives strive to leverage technology as both a learning and instructional delivery tool. Some of our proud accomplishments include:
- A 1:1 technology initiative equipping every student in grades K through 8 with a device that is used both at school and at home to access online instructional content and assessments.
- District-wide use of Google Apps for Education (GAFE), leveraging engaging and effective learning tools, including Google Docs, Sheets and Forms, as well as the use of Google Classroom to deliver curriculum-specific content.
- A robust Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver instructional content and assessment and serve as a repository for all critical student assessment data.
- District-wide wireless access points ensuring connectivity throughout our buildings.
- 1 Gigabit fiber internet connection to ensure adequate bandwidth for accessing important instructional resources.