English Learners
Komarek School offers additional instructional opportunities for students with a home language other than English to be able to make progress with Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing in English. Parents/guardians of English Learners (EL) will be given an opportunity to provide input to the program, and will also be provided yearly notification regarding their child’s placement and progress in the EL program.
Any student who has a Home Language other than English will be screened to determine if English Learner supports are warranted. This screening occurrs at the initial entry to school in the United States. If a student passes the screener, no supports are necessary. If a student does not pass the screener, parents will be provided with information regarding the supports that will be put in place to support their student's acquisition of the English language. Parents do have the right to refuse EL services. If you have questions about your student's EL services, pleaes reach out to either EL Teacher.
At Komarek School we strive to support each student's language acquisition depending on their progress and needs. We offer instuctional support both inside of a student's homeroom classroom as well as additional small group instruction, typically provided outside of a student's homeroom. We offer instruction in English, as well as in transitional instruction in Spanish designed to support a student's acquisition of English. Please note: Komarek School does not offer a bilingual education program. Some students may receive support only a few times per week while others may receive daily support. The level of support a student receives is dependent a number of factors, including the student's ACCESS test scores and progress as well as information/feedback from a student's teachers about daily classroom performance.
All students classified as English Learners (whether or not they are receiving EL instruction) are required to take a yearly assessment called the ACCESS test. This assessment tells teachers how students are progressing with the English language in the areas of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. View more information on the ACCESS test. For questions related to instruction and/or programming for English Learners at Komarek School, please contact the Director of Student Services.
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC)
The Komarek School Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) consists of parents as well as school staff and administration. BPAC meets quarterly, and the purpose is to gather feedback from parents to ensure the interests of our bilingual and multilingual families are represented in our programming for English Learners at Komarek School. The BPAC committee is also very involved with planning for Komarek's Cultural Heritage Night, which occurs each year in May as well as other cultural celebrations throughout the school year.
If you would like to join the BPAC committee, please click here!